12 commentaires pour “Tanukismes d’octobre

  1. Ah merde je suis même pas prem’s à sortir la blague du dimanche. Et puis chacun a ses façons de prendre son pied avec des trucs qui tournent.

  2. heidi, I know APACHE is web software (open source?),
    what are its advantages ?
    and what software does your site use ?
    (Professor, I did research first a little on my own, now I’d like to hear your
    personal viewpoint)

  3. Hi there,
    Saw you listed on facebook so just dropped in to say
    Bonjour! Although I had three semesters of French in High School I have forgotten 99.9% if it so a bit of a chore to read your blog, LOL.

    See you around the HIC Group

  4. Elle comprend pas le français ? On peut dire des saletés sur elle alors. A moins que ce soit justement le 0,1 % qui reste

  5. @Ira : I’ll let Damien answer the Apache question.
    I’m using WordPress, it’s offering a lot more possibilities through a great amount of plugins but it’s way less user friendly than dotclear. If you’re looking for a simple and very efficient CMS for a blog, use dotclear 🙂

    @Arlie : So nice of you to drop by 🙂 I’m like Lost: « on hiatus » but I’ll come back in January, just in time 😉

  6. I never knew there was a female cousin to Quake 3.
    According to wiki, American lives in Shanghai, did you know that ?

    It will take me a lifetime to catch up to your knowledge of USA pop culture.
    In fact, I’ve never played a video game in my life.
    I am 52 and thus old enough to have watched folk like mcGee turn every literary convention on its head, squeezing out every last drop of blood from every possible bizarre plot twist

    (I kinda like ART + GHOST’s soft dreamy somnambulants on the bridge)
    anyway, by now you probably realize that I am a self-appointed salesman for USA anonymia — all the unknown artists + performers who don’t work for coporate hollywood or the gaming mafia — and who create work that is at the scale of the human mind. And that is not product measured in $$$$$ and traded daily on the stock exchanges of the LIBERAL marketplace. 🙂

    …. when I send you comments with url links, it probably goes into the « to be moderated » folder, right ???

  7. hi tanuki,
    man, I wish I could re-enter the above comment and EDIT
    there’s too much WORDAGE plus I don’t like the « edginess » of my recent posts here
    (you see, I am having my own private artistic war vs. usa media + corporate product … and sometimes, it spreads beyond the borders of my own head lol)

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