Articles conseillés du 03-03-2015

The old, the ossified, must always give way to new life and the birth of new things. Before the new things can be born the old must perish. This is a dangerous realization, because it tells us that we must eventually part with much of what is familiar to us. And that hurts. But that is part of the script of life. Unless we can psychologically accommodate change, we ourselves begin to die, inwardly. What I am saying is that objects, customs, habits, and ways of life must perish so that the authentic human being can live. And it is the authentic human being who matters most, the viable, elastic organism which can bounce back, absorb, and deal with the new.

Et dire que certains vivent encore au Moyen Âge… On n’est pas sortis de l’auberge.

Ah oui, en plus d’être insupportable, il n’est pas fair play.

« A woman, I forget who, once asked a male friend why men felt threatened by women. He replied that they were afraid that women might laugh at them. When she asked a group of women why women felt threatened by men, they said, ‘We’re afraid they might kill us.’

La grande Margaret Atwood est citée dans The Fall o/

Un peu de géopolitique

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