Articles conseillés du 27-02-2013

La solution aux problèmes d’allergies de la tortue.

5. Small Crater, Small Village
Martian craters measuring less than 60 km in diameter must be named after villages of the world with a population smaller than 100,000 people. This is the rule that gives us such excellent names as the adorable-sounding and strangely fitting « Tooting crater, » named after the eponymous London suburb. (There is no mention of what happens when a town grows to a population of more than 100,000, but the logical conclusion is that we either blow the crater up, or force people to leave the village. DO NOT QUESTION THE IAU ABOUT ITS RULES.)

C’était donc ça.

Que des concepts avec lesquels je commence à être vraiment familière. Merci io9.

Mars est totalement has-been.

Les ligues de protection des animaux n’en finiraient plus de s’exciter…

Le style graphique est ultra sympa.

50,000 Kelvin (that’s close to 90,000 degrees Fahrenheit, for those wondering).

Chaaauuuuddd (et beau)

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